Fatma Melek Arıkan | PhD | A History of a Western Anatolian Region: Yenişehir and İznik during the Late Ottoman Empire, 1855-1909 | Aksin Somel | 2017/2018 |
Uygar Aydemir | PhD | Mahmut Nedim Pasha’s Crtique of the Tanzimat Bureaucracy: State Modernization, Political Stripe, Great Power Intervention | Aksin Somel | 2017/2018 |
Marloes Cornelissen | PhD | The World of Ambassador Jacobus Colyer: Material Culture of the 'Dutch' Nation in Istanbul during the first half of the 18th century | Tülay Artan | 2014/2015 |
Adam Bennet Mc Connel | PhD | Dean Acheson and the Turkish-American Alliance, 1945-1953 | Cemil Koçak | 2013/2014 |
Zeynep Kutluata | PhD | Ottoman Women and the State during World War 1 | Hakan Erdem |
2013/2014 |
Maximilian Hartmuth | PhD | In Search of the Provincial Artist: Networks, Services and Ideas in Ottoman Balkans and the Question of Structural Change |
Bratislav Pantelic | 2010/2011 |
Zeynep Nevin Yelce | PhD | The Making of Sultan Süleyman: A Study of Process/es of Image Making and Reputation Management | Metin Kunt | 2008/2009 |
Aysel Danaci Yildiz | PhD | Vaka-yı Selimiyye or the Selimiyye Incident: A Study of the May 1807 Rebellion | Aksin Somel | 2007/2008 |
Nazan Maksudyan | PhD | Hearing the Voiceless-Seeing the Invisible: Orphans and Destitude Children as Actors of Social, Economic, and Political History in the Late Ottoman Empire | Aksin Somel | 2007/2008 |
Candan Badem | PhD | The Ottomans and the Crimean War | Hakan Erdem | 2006/2007 |
Selcuk Dursun | PhD | Forest and the State: History of Foresty and Forest Administration in the Ottoman Empire | Aksin Somel | 2006/2007 |
Elif Ayşenur Conker | MA | The Transformation of the Ottoman Perception of the Wahhabi Movement: From Negotiation to Confrontation (1745-1818) | Aksin Somel | 2017/2018 |
Hüsamettin Şimşir | MA | The Arsenite Schism and the Babai Rebellion: Two Case Studies in Center-Periphery Relations | Ferenc Peter Csirkes | 2017/2018 |
İsmail Noyan | MA | Ahmet Cevdet Pasha and Change: A Three-Tiered Approach | Hakan Erdem | 2017/2018 |
Özlem Yıldız | MA | The Sultan and His Commanders: Representations of Ideal Leadership in the Şehname-i Nadiri | Tülay Artan | 2016/2017 |
İsa Uğurlu | MA | Gaznevi Mahmud: A Neglected Ottoman Clerk His Career, Miscellany, and His Religious and Literary Network | Tülay Artan | 2016/2017 |
Özkan Karabulut | MA | The Rehabilitation of the Bektashi Order (1826-1876) | Hakan Erdem | 2016/2017 |
Nur Çetiner | MA | The Cypriot Mule Corps in the First World War | Cemil Koçak | 2016/2017 |
Gülbahar Rabia Altuntaş | MA | The Material Culture in the istanbul Houses through the Eyes of British Traveler Julia Pardoe (d.1862) | Tülay Artan | 2016/2017 |
Naciye Zeynep Çavuşoğlu | MA | The Age of Akbar: Statecraft and Political Ambitions | Tülay Artan | 2015/2016 |
Patrick Christian Helmut Schiling | MA | Between Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization: Kemalist Historu Textbooks in the 1930s | Hakan Erdem | 2015/2016 |
Fatma Pelin Tığlay | MA | Division of Inheritance and Capital Accumulation: Case of Bursa from Probate Registers, 1700-1840 | Hülya Canbakal | 2014/2015 |
Hatice Sezer | MA | The Reformist Horizons of Ahmed Cevdet Paşa: The Nations of Civilization(Medeniyet), Progress(Terakki), Solidarity(Asabiyet) | Akşin Somel | 2014/2015 |
Merve Uçar Nurcan | MA | The Road to Non-Action: The Ottomans Between the British Empire and Mahdiyya in the Sudan | Hakan Erdem | 2014/2015 |
Murat Kıvanç Köroğlu | MA | Greek Citizens in the Otoman Lands as Artisans and Shopkeepers and the Qustion of Nationality 1830-1860 | Hakan Erdem | 2014/2015 |
Uğur Derin | MA | Legitimization of the Single-Party Period of Turkey: A Critical Approach | Cemil Koçak | 2014/2015 |
Mustafa İlter | MA | Socio- Economic Structure of 1844’s Bursa according to Temettuat Register | Hülya Canbakal | 2013/2014 |
Önder Eren Akgül | MA | Yemen as an Ottoman Frontier and Attempt to Build a Native Army: Asakir-I Hamidiye | Akşin Somel | 2013/2014 |
Sultan Toprak | MA | Where People Met: Bozahouses, Coffeehouses and Taverns in the Light of the 16th and 17th Century Court Records of Istanbul | Tülay Artan | 2013/2014 |
Abdullah Vahdi Kanatsız | MA | Da’wah an-Nafs: Şehzade Korkud on Örf and Shari’a in the Ottoman Context | Metin Kunt | 2012/2013 |
Azize Fatma Çakır | MA | Households in Ottoman Politics: The Rivalry Between Husrev Mehmed Pasha and Mehmed Ali Pasha of Egypt | Hakan Erdem | 2012/2013 |
Duygu Yıldırım | MA | Fantasies of the end: Cosmology and Apocalypse in Dürr-I Meknun | Metin Kunt | 2012/2013 |
Özgün Deniz Yoldaşlar | MA | The Realization of Mehmed IV’s Ghazi Title at the Campaign of Kamaniçe | Tülay Artan | 2012/2013 |
Tuğçe Kayaal | MA | The Issue of Ottoman Centralization and Local Reactions: Political and Ideological Transformation of Mount Lebanon Between 1858 and 1900 | Aksin Somel | 2012/2013 |
Ahmet Bilaloglu | MA | Contextualizing and 18th Century Ottoman Elite: Şerif Halil Paşa of Şumnu and his Patronage | Tulay Artan | 2010/2011 |
Can Veyselgil | MA | The Ottoman Empire and 'The Rest of the Worlds': Late Ottoman First Person Narratives Regarding the Ottoman Perceptions on the Non European World and the Ottoman Periphery | Hakan Erdem | 2010/2011 |
Henry Randel Shapiro | MA | Diverse Views on the Legitimacy of the Ottoman Sultanate among Greek Chroniclers of the Early Modern Period | Metin Kunt | 2010/2011 |
Nazlı Ipek Huner | MA | Traveling within the Empire: Perceptions of the East in the Historical Narratives of Mustafa Âli and Evliya Çelebi on Cairo | Tulay Artan | 2010/2011 |
Asli Menevse | MA | From Empire to Republic: A Study of Changes in Advertorial Prose, 1876-1928 | Hakan Erdem | 2009/2010 |
Bojana Savic | MA | The Otoman Says: 'To Hell with the Serbs' Troublesome Coexistence in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Belgrade through the Eyes of Two Contemporaries - Belgradi Raşid and Nikola Hristic as Spokesmen for Respective Sides | Fikret Adanir | 2009/2010 |
Cenk Cengiz | MA | An Analysis of a Short-Lived Cinema Journal: The Young Cinema (Genc Sinema) in Turkey, 1968-1971 | Cemil Kocak | 2009/2010 |
Pinar Ceylan | MA | My Tracing a 'Middle Class': An Inquiry on the Otoman City of Kayseri 17th and 18th Centuries | Hulya Canbakal | 2009/2010 |
Seyma Afacan | MA | From Traditionalism to Modernism: Mental Health in the Ottoman Empire | Hakan Erdem | 2009/2010 |
Tarek A. Abu Hussein | MA | Historians and Historical Thought in an Ottoman World: Biographical Writing in 16 and 17 Century Syria/Bilad Al-Sham | Metin Kunt | 2009/2010 |
Eda Guclu | MA | Transformation of Waqf Property in the Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire | Hulya Canbakal | 2008/2009 |
Emre Erol | MA | Reproaching Hüseyin (İştirakçi) Hilmi: An Otoman Socialist in Early 20th Century | Fikret Adanir | 2008/2009 |
Hakan Karpuzcu | MA | Late Ottoman Modernism / Rationalist Discourses on Islam: Superstition, sufism and Şemseddin Günaltay |
Aksin Somel | 2008/2009 |
Mehmet Kuru | MA | Relations between Otoman Corsairs and the Imperial Navy in the 16th Century | Hakan Erdem | 2008/2009 |
Mehmet Can Omay | MA | General Political Opinions of an Opponent Journalist During the Early Republican Period: Faik Ahmet Barutçu and Istikbal Newspaper (1923-1925) | Cemil Kocak | 2008/2009 |
Melis Taner | MA | Power to Kill a Discourse of the Royal Hunt during the Reigns of Süleyman the Magnificient and Ahmet I | Tulay Artan | 2008/2009 |
Umit Eser | MA | Philethism in the Balkans: The Formation of the Bulgarian Exarchate (1830-1878) | Fikret Adanir | 2008/2009 |
Zeynep Cetrez | MA | A Spanish Gaze: Vicente Blasco Ibanez's Oriente (1907) | Hakan Erdem | 2008/2009 |
Ozer Murat Kunacav | MA | The Formations and Constructions of the American Identity: A Case for Classical Antiquity | Hakan Erdem | 2007/2008 |
Adam Bennett McConnel | MA | The CHP, the U.S. and Ulus: The Portrayal of the United States in Ulus Gazetesi During WW2 | Cemil Kocak | 2007/2008 |
Ahmet Tunc Sen | MA | The Dream of a 17th Century Ottoman Intellectual Veysi and his Habname | Hakan Erdem | 2007/2008 |
Zozan Pehlivan | MA | The Rich and the Poor: Wealth Polarization in Late 18th Century Ayntab | Hulya Canbakal | 2007/2008 |
Aleksandar Sopov | MA | Falling Like an Autumen Leaf: The Historical Visions of the Battle of the Maritsa/Meriç River and the Quest for a Place Called Sırpsındığı |
Hakan Erdem | 2006/2007 |
Ayse Ezgi Dikici | MA | Imperfect Bodies, Perfect Companions? Dwarfs and Mutes at the Ottoman Court in the 16th and 17th Centuries | Hakan Erdem | 2006/2007 |
Irfan Kokdas | MA | Celeps, Butchers and the Sheep: The Worlds of Meat in Istanbul in the 16th-17th Centuries | Hakan Erdem | 2006/2007 |
Konstantia A. Samara | MA | Identity Issues of the Ottoman Greeks in the Age of Nationalism as Reflected in the Educational Policies of the Greek Community of Istanbul 1895-1915 | Aksin Somel | 2006/2007 |
Hadi Hosainy | MA | Sulh in 18th Century Ottoman Fatwa Compilations | Hulya Canbakal | 2006/2007 |
Emre Sunu | MA | The Great War and the Visual Mobilization of the Ottoman Public Sphere: The Case of Donanma Journal | Aksin Somel | 2006/2007 |
Ugur Pece | MA | Greek Ottomans in the 1908 Parliament | Aksin Somel | 2006/2007 |
Ceren Arkman | MA | The Launching of the Turkish Thesis of History: A Close Textual Analysis | Halil Berktay | 2005/2006 |
Zeynep Kutluata | MA | Gender and War During the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Periods: The Case of Black Fatmas | Hakan Erdem | 2005/2006 |
Bekir Harun Kucuk | MA | Contexts and Construction of Ottoman Science with Special References to Astronomy | Hakan Erdem & Halil Berktay | 2004/2005 |
Burcu Gurgan | MA | Images of Sexuality in the 16th Century Ottoman Society: Mehmed Gazali's Dafi'ü'l Gumüm | Hakan Erdem | 2004/2005 |
Guldeniz Kibris | MA | Creating Turkishness: An Examination of Turkish Nationalism Through Gök-Börü | Halil Berktay | 2004/2005 |
Emine Ekin Tusalp | MA | Treating Outlaws and Registering Miscreants in Early Modern Ottoman Society: A Study on the Legal Diagnosis of Deviance in Şeyhülislam Fatwas | Tulay Artan | 2004/2005 |
Semi Ertan | MA | An Armenain at the Turkish Parliament in the Early Republican Period: Berç Türker Keresteciyan 1870-1949 | Cemil Kocak | 2004/2005 |
Sinem Arcak | MA | Üsküdar as the Site for Mosque Complexes of Royal Woman in the 16th Century | Metin Kunt | 2004/2005 |
Vefa Erginbas | MA | Forerunner of the Ottoman Enlightment: İbrahim Müteferrika and his Intellectual Landscape | Hakan Erdem | 2004/2005 |
Dogan Gurpinar | MA | The Seljuks of Rum in Turkish Republican Nationalist Historiography | Halil Berktay | 2003/2004 |
Esat Arslan | MA | Social and Ethical Thought of Bediüzzaman Said-i Kürdi | Aksin Somel | 2003/2004 |
Husnu Ada | MA | The First Ottoman Civil Society Organization in the Service of Ottoman State: The Case of the Ottoman Red Crescent | Aksin Somel | 2003/2004 |
Izzet Ahmet Bozbey | MA | From the Glory of the World to Muhammad: Writing Islamic History in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Eras | Aksin Somel | 2003/2004 |
Sevgi Adak | MA | Formation of Authoritarian Secularism in Turkey: Ramadans in the Early Republican Era 1923-1938 | Cemil Kocak | 2003/2004 |
Dilek Akyalcin | MA | The Jewish Communities in the Making of Istanbul Intra Muros 1453-1520 | Stefanos Yerasimos | 2002/2003 |
Saygin Salgirli | MA | Manners and Identity in Late 17th Century Istanbul | Ahmet Ersoy | 2002/2003 |
Zeynep Nevin Yelce | MA | Ideal Kingship in the Late Medieval World: The Ottoman Case | Metin Kunt | 2002/2003 |
Ibrahim Kaya Sahin | MA | Aşıkpaşa-zade as Historian: A Study on the Tevarih-i Al-i Osman | Metin Kunt | 2001/2002 |
Selcuk Dursun | MA | Population Policies of the Ottoman State in the Tanzimat Era 1840-1870 | Huri Islamoglu-Inan | 2001/2002 |