Sabancı Üniversitesi


Bekir Harun Küçük

Network Faculty Member
  • Article
    Küçük, Bekir Harun (2022) "Response to Nir Shafir", Osmanli Arastirmalari - Journal of Ottoman Studies, Vol.59, No.59, 261-272 (AHCI)
  • Book Section / Chapter
    Küçük, Harun Bekir, "Islam, Christianity, and the conflict thesis", Science and Religion: New Historical Perspectives, Dixon, Thomas and Cantor, Geoffrey and Pumfrey, Stephen (eds.), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, April 2010, 111-130
  • Before SU Publications

    "Zwischen islamischen intellektueller Erneuerung und Verwestlichung. Kosmopolitische Gelehrsamkeit im Istanbul des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts." in Dietrich Klein and Birte Platow, Hrsg. Wahrnehmung des Islam zwischen Reformation und Aufklärung. Münich: Wilhelm Fink, 2008.

     Substantial contributions to Arnold Reisman, Refugees and Reforms: Turkey’s Journey. Charleston, SC: Booksurge Publishing, 2009.

    Review of "Arnold Reisman, Turkey's Modernization: Refugees from Nazism and Atatürk's Vision. Washington, DC: New Academia Press, 2006." in Isis 99/1. 2008.