Sabancı Üniversitesi



VA 524 Visual Culture and Ideology Select Term:
The recent analysis pertaining to the concepts of identity, gender, self, recognition, difference binds together the political and the visual. However, beyond this, the 'ways of seeing' is a matter of cultural in a broader sense. The culture component, in the late twentieth century, does not only stand for the anthropological research but goes more for the analysis of the techniques of media productions. Television images, the world of advertisement, the consumption culture are the relevant realms of the visual culture productions. In the course two major fields of analysis semiotics and structuralism and deconstructionism will be covered as tools for the dismantling of the existing norms. Together with that the student will be exposed to the analysis of the different visual productions such as photography, television, graphic design, painting and sculpture as well as documentaries. The role of the real and virtual within this body will be considered as one of the major problematic of the course and these will be analysed with regard to gender, sexuality, political matters.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 10.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -